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General Description

In the most general sense, control and automation engineering endeavours the problem which compels a system to the desired situation via  appropriate software and hardware.A number of problems that occurs as a result of rapid increase in production with the rapidly developing technology after the industrial revolution impel people to seek new ways from which more rendement can be obtained.The utilization of the information resulting from the research in industry and other production systems has led to emerge a new branch of engineering ,"Control and Automation Engineering".Control and Automation engineering is a branch of engineering which develops and implements  information and technology providing electrical, electronic, mechanical and computer-based all industrial systems to work intended and planned manner.Control Engineering Program provides training and conducts research in the subjects "automatic control theory and its applications, industrial automation, measurement and instrumentation, robotics, design and implementation of computer-based industrial information systems".

Research Areas

Today, expectations from industry are more economic, quality and flawless products.Since suplying this requirement  can not be accomplished via conventional production methods based on human, automation can not be considered separately from industrial applications at the present time.The control and automation engineers who are experienced and knowledgeable in the fields of control system design, process control and problem solving are frequently needed. In addition, intelligent buildings have become a significant part of our lives thanks to the developing construction sector and technology.Building automation is a common work areas of control and automation engineers. The design of automatic pilot so as to provide the unmanned ground and air vehicles to follow the desired trajectory is an example of a control and automation engineering applications. It has been began to be sent satellites into orbit depending on progress in aviation and aerospace industry. Thus, autonomy has stood out.These developments in the aviation and aerospace sectors as well as in other areas of control has started to take its place.For instance, position, velocity and acceleration control of avionic systems in 3D; utilization of measurements such as the cabin pressure, distance to destination and motor velocity to design autopilot system  are various application areas of control engineering.Today's medical and technological advances has begun to meet in a common framework and create new working sites.Bionic arms and surgical robots are prime examples of these developments.The feedback mechanism in human body and mechanical systems subrogating in place of human organ are very similar in that both are feedback control systems.

Basic Education and Research Areas of Control Engineering

  • Control and System Theory
  • Modeling, Simulation and System Identification
  • Industrial Automation and Robotic
  • Process Control, Measurement and Instrumentation
  • Motion Control Systems (Servo Systems, Electrical Transportation Systems etc.)
  • Driver Systems (Electrical, Electronics, Pneumatic and Hydraulic)
  • Intelligent systems (Fuzzy Control, Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms etc.)
  • Industrial Data Communications Systems
  • Computer-based real time control systems (PC,DSP,PLC,mC etc.)