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Student outcomes (SO) of the Control and Automation Engineering Program and related performance criteria are listed below:


(SO1)   an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering principles to analyze and solve control and automation engineering problems.

PC1.1.     has a strong foundation in basic science, engineering and mathematics.

PC1.2.     is able to use basic science, and mathematics in solving engineering systems and


PC1.3.     is able to use engineering concepts in control and automation engineering problems.


(SO2)   an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret the gathered data to reach an appropriate conclusion.

PC2.1.     knows basic laws and can designate an analytical model.

PC2.2.     knows basic knowledge of measurement (error, sensitivity and tolerance), determines

               measurands, can choose and use the test equipment.

PC2.3.     is able to analyze, interpret and report the gathered data.


(SO3)   an ability to design a control system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

PC3.1.         is aware of the desired specifications and constraints of engineering design.

PC3.2.         is able to realize an efficient and effective engineering design in a systematical way,

taking all constraints into account.

(SO4)   an ability to function on same and multi-disciplinary teams

PC4.1.         carries out tasks in a team work and fulfills the responsibilities.

PC4.2.         regards communication with team mates and exploits feedback.

PC4.3.         performs research and shares knowledge.

PC4.4.         is able to take part in multi-disciplinary teams.


(SO5)   an ability to identify, formulate, and solve control and automation engineering problems

PC5.1.         is able to identify control and automation engineering problems.

PC5.2.         is able to formulate control and automation engineering problems.

PC5.3.         is able to solve control and automation engineering problems.


(SO6)   an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

PC6.1.         knows the basics of professional code of ethics (code of ethics).

PC6.2.         knows about ethical and professional responsibility.


(SO7)   an ability to communicate effectively

PC7.1.         prepares properly written document .

PC7.2.         establishes effective oral communication.

PC7.3.         is able to make effective oral presentations.

(SO8)   the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economical, environmental  and societal context

SO8.1.         understands the global impacts of engineering solutions.

SO8.2.         understands the economical impacts of engineering solutions.

SO8.3.         understands the environmental impacts of engineering solutions.

SO8.4.         understands the societal impacts of engineering solutions.


(SO9)   a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

SO9.1.         is able to follow the scientific and technological developments in his/her area.

SO9.2.         is able to  access data and information sources when needed.

(SO10)   a knowledge of contemporary issues

SO10.1.      has information about the recent developments and problems in his/her area.

SO10.2.      has information about the recent developments and problems in other areas

important in engineering.


(SO11)   an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for control and automation engineering practice

SO11.1.      knows engineering tools appropriate for system design, simulation and analysis.

SO11.2.      is able to use modern engineering software in system modeling, analysis , design

and realization.

SO11.3.      is able to use modern engineering hardware in system modeling, analysis , design

and realization.


(SO12)   a knowledge of electrical, electronics & communication, computer and other applied engineering necessary to analyze and design complex systems containing hardware and software components used in control and automation engineering applications.

SO12.1.      has the required knowledge about applied electrical engineering discipline.

SO12.2.      has the required knowledge about applied electronics & communication

engineering discipline.

SO12.3.      has the required knowledge about applied computer engineering discipline.

SO12.4.      has the required knowledge about other applied engineering disciplines.